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Program Terms  Play Wisely®

We are very glad that you have decided to sign up for the Play Wisely program!

Registration for the program and binding reservation of the lesson date

The applicant registers for the program by registering in the Play Wisely reservation system at , filling in and signing the application and paying the fee for the selected lesson package by transfer to a bank account maintained at Fio Banka as, IBAN: SK09 8330 0000 0025 0085 3252. Please always include the child's full name in the payment note. Booking a lesson date in the online schedule is only possible after registration and payment of the lesson fee.

Justification of lessons

The program participant is entitled to compensation of 4 duly justified, missed lessons within each purchased package of 10 + 2 lessons (12 weeks) and compensation of 2 duly justified, within each package of 5 + 1 (6 weeks). If the program participant is unable to complete the lesson, he / she is obliged to cancel his / her participation no later than 12 hours before the start of the lesson, in the online schedule at .

If the participant does not do so, the lesson is considered completed, and the program participant is not entitled to compensation for an unjustified lesson. An oral announcement of absence is not enough! For a properly justified lesson, the client will receive a replacement entry, which he / she will reserve as a replacement lesson in the lesson schedule during the validity of the lesson package. The reserved date of the substitute lesson cannot be justified again.


In the event of an unexpected situation, it is possible to suspend the Play Wisely program for at least 3 weeks on the basis of a written justification, if the operator is requested to do so in writing at least 7 days in advance. In case of interruption for more than 3 weeks, the operator reserves the right to change the date of the lesson. Play Wisely package lessons as well as gift vouchers are valid for 6 months from the date of payment.

The participant is entitled to a refund of the fee for the package of lessons or its proportional part if he could not from  for demonstrably serious reasons, or through fault of the provider, to complete paid lessons, or part of them. The operator reserves the right to change the time and date of the lesson, as well as the lecturer Play Wisely. Changing the date of the lesson or lecturer is not a reason to refund the fee for lessons. In the case of a package cancellation, the client is deducted 2 bonus lessons, which were added to the package for free as a bonus.


Exceptional situation

In the period of increased morbidity or pandemic, the client is allowed the opportunity to apologize from the lesson until 8:00 on the day of the lesson on the phone number 0907 181 788, respectively. by e-mail to . In this case, the client will receive 1 online lesson as compensation. In the event of an ordered closure due to pandemics, the operator reserves the right to transfer the lesson online using the following system: 1 individual lesson = 2 online lessons, 1 paired lesson = 1 online lesson.

The program operator reserves the right to adjust the conditions of the program with regard to the maximum security of clients, such as. the obligation to wear a veil in the center, disinfection of hands and restriction of entry of persons who came into contact with a COVID-19 positive person, resp. have symptoms of acute respiratory disease or travel history.


Lessons in a group of children

In case the client rejects the partner to the group three times or change the lesson date, the program operator reserves the right to ask the client for a supplement for individual lessons or to reduce the number of lessons in  within the purchased package.


Responsibility for the child

Throughout the lesson, the parent is responsible for the child and his safety! The child may attend the lessons only with a legal representative or accompanied by an adult authorized legal representative who is instructed and  familiar with the content of the conditions of the Play Wisely program. Chains, bracelets and other ornaments are forbidden for children. It is also forbidden to eat and chew gum during the lesson. The program operator is not responsible for any health problems of the participant. If the child of the program participant has any health problems, the participant is obliged to consult a doctor about the suitability of the program.

Practical instructions for parents:

For a pleasant and safe lesson, please follow the following rules. Ensure compliance with the rules

safety for your child and other children.

  • Dress children comfortably, sporty. If possible, leave children barefoot or in  anti-slip socks - for better perception of surfaces when climbing, walking and better balance.

  • Please wait for the lecturer to ask you to enter the room where the lessons take place. The lesson lasts 30 minutes and starts at  at the time of booking, later arrival does not affect the extension of the lesson.

  • Always be close to your child during physical activities and secure him with every movement. Never leave a child unattended in the room! The parent bears full responsibility for the child throughout the lesson. Do not let your child run around the room with drinks and toys.

  • If the child does not cooperate during the card part, please try to keep him / her sitting or on your lap and  capture his attention.

  • Some children need time to observe - usually 1-3 lessons. This is perfectly normal, the baby will soon acclimatize to the new environment. Remember that the child learns, even if only watching. Children do not have to do all the activities, but they must always be near you and under your supervision.

  • Play Wisely® is a program that is difficult to concentrate, if your child does not adapt to the structure of the lessons within a few weeks, consult the teacher on the next steps.

  • Exercise equipment is adapted for children! Please do not enter and  don't sit on exercise pieces!



I declare on my honor that I am not aware of any obstacles to my child's health that would prevent them from attending Play Wisely lessons and I undertake to attend the program with the child only in  good health. I declare that I am fully responsible for the safety and health of my child.



I declare on my honor that I will inform about the health of my child in accordance with the measures and regulations resulting from the current epidemiological situation and respect the current issues issued by the Public Health Office to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including the current list of countries at risk and travel history.

I am aware of the legal consequences of a false statement, in particular I am aware that I would have committed an offense under § 56 of Act no. 355/2007 Coll. On the protection, support and development of public health and on the amendment of certain laws. 

I also certify that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Program Participant's rights and responsibilities, organizational and security policies. I have been notified that in  in case of non-compliance, I may be excluded from the program without compensation for lessons / therapies. I declare that the information provided in the application is true. By signing, I agree to the stated terms of the Play Wisely and  I obligatorily enroll my child in the program.

The applicant hereby consents to Montessori hranie, oz, with its registered office at Donovalova 1128/1, Bratislava, 811 06, IČO: 42448794, (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”), to process the following personal data in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data. data:
  • name and surname of the client
  • name and surname of the child
  • date of birth of the child
  • client email
  • client's phone number
The above personal data processed only to the extent of the consent and processing of personal data for the purpose of:
  • keeping an online database of clients
  • sending newsletters informing about news in the area of offered activities and upcoming events to the provided e-mail address in the maximum frequency twice a month, with the possibility to end the sending at any time
  • sending information about changes in lessons and course organization, with the possibility to stop sending at any time,
  • registration and participation in educational events organized by Montessori gaming, with the possibility to stop sending at any time.
This consent is granted for the duration of the purchased lesson packages and for three years after their expiration in order to settle rights and obligations, with the proviso that I may at any time request in writing at the administrator's address to stop processing the data, except for data that the administrator must process from for legal reasons for the necessary time, or in order to fulfill the obligations of the controller or the recipient of personal data.
I give my express consent to the above processing. I can withdraw my consent at any time by sending an e-mail or letter to the company's contact details:
  • e-mail: ,
  • address: Montessori acting, oz, Donovalova 1128/1, Bratislava, 811 06.
The processing of personal data is carried out exclusively by the controller. However, personal data may also be processed for the controller by the following external processors:
  • teachers
  • reservation software provider
  • or other providers and entities cooperating with the Administrator.
I acknowledge that under the Personal Data Protection Act I have the right to:
  • withdraw the consent at any time,
  • request information from the administrator about the processing of my personal data,
  • object to the processing,
  • request access to this data from the administrator and have it updated or corrected,
  • request the deletion of personal data from the administrator,
  • in case of doubts about compliance with the obligations related to the processing of personal data, contact the controller or the Office for Personal Data Protection.
You can send all requests, complaints and suggestions to email: , or call mobile: 0907 181 788.
The data will not be transferred to third world countries.
In the case of providing only partial consent to the processing of personal data, ie. unless consent is given for all purposes of the processing of personal data, the service may be performed only to the extent permitted by the provided data.

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Centrum Technopol 

Kutlíkova 17 

851 02 Bratislava

© 2025 Play Wisely Slovensko

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